consolidated balance sheet/consolidated income statement/statement of comprehensive income consolidated income statement assets in € thousand 30.09.2016 31.12.2015 assets non-current assets intangible assets 31 8 property, plant and equipment 284 365 investment properties 3,364,473 3,356,655 investments accounted for using the equity method 407,293 411,031 other financial assets 59 59 non-current assets 3,772,140 3,768,118 current assets trade receivables 2,105 5,605 other current assets 7,087 7,192 cash and cash equivalents 65,707 70,699 current assets 74,899 83,496 total assets 3,847,039 3,851,614 liabilities in € thousand 30.09.2016 31.12.2015 equity and liabilities equity and reserves issued capital 53,945 53,945 capital reserves 961,970 961,970 retained earnings 745,992 751,944 total equity 1,761,907 1,767,859 non-current liabilities financial liabilities 1,347,858 1,359,896 deferred tax liabilities 321,954 309,528 right to redeem of limited partners 292,685 293,113 other liabilities 57,026 52,314 non-current liabilities 2,019,523 2,014,851 current liabilities financial liabilities 49,799 47,711 trade payables 2,549 621 tax liabilities 638 489 other provisions 5,722 7,056 other liabilities 6,901 13,027 current liabilities 65,609 68,904 total equity and liabilities 3,847,039 3,851,614 in € thousand 01.07. – 30.09.2016 01.07. – 30.09.2015 01.01. – 30.09.2016 01.01. – 30.09.2015 revenue 50,424 50,392 152,254 151,036 property operating costs -3,562 -3,592 -8,559 -7,471 property management costs -2,528 -2,662 -7,651 -7,672 net operating income (noi) 44,334 44,138 136,044 135,893 other operating income 117 242 619 661 other operating expenses -1,806 -1,522 -5,193 -5,528 earnings before interest and taxes (ebit) 42,645 42,858 131,470 131,026 share in the profit / loss of associated companies and joint ventures using the equity method 5,572 5,226 15,041 16,026 profit / loss attributable to limited partners -4,506 -4,338 -13,406 -12,884 interest expense -12,900 -13,794 -40,038 -42,142 other financial income and expenditure 744 364 1,746 1,684 interest income 4 5 50 124 income from investments 1 1 1 1 net finance costs -11,085 -12,536 -36,606 -37,191 measurement gains / losses -1,554 -816 -4,803 -2,812 earnings before tax (ebt) 30,006 29,506 90,061 91,023 income taxes -6,507 -5,590 -17,889 -17,444 consolidated profit 23,499 23,916 72,172 73,579 earnings per share (€), basic 0.44 0.44 1.34 1.37 earnings per share (€), diluted 0.42 0.43 1.29 1.32 consolidated balance sheet in € thousand 01.07. – 30.09.2016 01.07. – 30.09.2015 01.01. – 30.09.2016 01.01. – 30.09.2015 consolidated profit 23,499 23,916 72,172 73,579 items which under certain conditions in the future will be reclassified to the income statement: actual share of the profits and losses from instruments used to hedge cash flows -338 -1,953 -6,855 4,574 deferred taxes on changes in value offset directly against equity 83 438 1,557 -999 total earnings recognised directly in equity -255 -1,515 -5,298 3,575 total profit 23,244 22,401 66,874 77,154 share of group shareholders 23,244 22,401 66,874 77,154 statement of comprehensive income 5 deutsche euroshop ag 9m quarterly statement 2016 9m in € thousand 30.09.201631.12.2015 intangible assets 318 property, plant and equipment 284365 investment properties 3,364,4733,356,655 the equity method 407,293411,031 other financial assets 5959 non-current assets 3,772,1403,768,118 trade receivables 2,1055,605 other current assets 7,0877,192 cash and cash equivalents 65,70770,699 current assets 74,89983,496 total assets 3,847,0393,851,614 in € thousand 30.09.201631.12.2015 issued capital 53,94553,945 capital reserves 961,970961,970 retained earnings 745,992751,944 total equity 1,761,9071,767,859 financial liabilities 1,347,8581,359,896 deferred tax liabilities 321,954309,528 right to redeem of limited partners 292,685293,113 other liabilities 57,02652,314 non-current liabilities 2,019,5232,014,851 financial liabilities 49,79947,711 trade payables 2,549621 tax liabilities 638489 other provisions 5,7227,056 other liabilities 6,90113,027 current liabilities 65,60968,904 total equity and liabilities 3,847,0393,851,614 revenue 50,42450,392152,254151,036 net operating income (noi) 44,33444,138136,044135,893 other operating income 117242619661 (ebit) 42,64542,858131,470131,026 equity method 5,5725,22615,04116,026 other financial income and expenditure 7443641,7461,684 interest income 4550124 income from investments 1111 earnings before tax (ebt) 30,00629,50690,06191,023 consolidated profit 23,49923,91672,17273,579 earnings per share (€), basic 0.440.441.341.37 earnings per share (€), diluted 0.420.431.291.32 profit 23,49923,91672,17273,579 flows -338 -1,953 -6,8554,574 against equity 834381,557 -999 directly in equity -255 -1,515 -5,2983,575 total profit 23,24422,40166,87477,154 shareholders 23,24422,40166,87477,154