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Deutsche EuroShop | Conference Call | Preliminary Results 2023

Webcast of the telephone conference including the slide presentation Presenter: Hans-Peter Kneip, CFO 20.03.2024, 10.00 a.m., CET

Deutsche EuroShop AG Hauptversammlung 2023

Hauptversammlungsrede von Vorstand Hans-Peter Kneip am 29. August 2023 in der Hamburger Handwerkskammer Weitere Informationen unter

News & Publikationen - Blog: IR Mall

Details on the acquisition of the Herold-Center Norderstedt

We just announced that we'll acquire the the Herold-Center in Norderstedt, located on the northern outskirts of Hamburg.

To provide some more details we prepared a special presentation:


From "before market opening" to "after market close"

To give the financial community more time to analyse our results we plan to switch our interim report publications from "before market opening" to "after market close" in the future.

We will apply this new sequence for the first time on 13 November 2012:
The interim report 9M 2012 will be published after market close.

Sorry, closed


Comparable numbers for 9M 2012 results

To make your forecasts it may help to have the comparable numbers of 9M 2011. The Excel sheet offers a full usability. You can start with your projections right here!


Comparable numbers for H1 2012 results

To make your forecasts it may help to have the comparable numbers of H1 2011.

The Excel sheet offers a full usability. You can start with your projections right here!
