Investor Relations


IR Associations

DIRK - The Association for Investor Relations in Germany

DIRK is the association for Investor Relations (IR) in Germany. As the organ of IR professionals, DIRK represents the concerns of its members in an active dialogue with interest groups and capital market stakeholders, political institutions and the general public.

The association offers its members active, specific support and promotes regular exchange among its own ranks and with IR specialists from all over the world. In addition, DIRK sets standards in professional training and further education of IR juniors in Germany. With its more than 300 members, DIRK sets the standards of communication between companies and the capital market.

The spectrum of companies organised within DIRK includes almost all DAX companies and the bulk of companies listed in the MDAX, SDAX and TecDAX as well as companies with a small market capitalisation and those which have not yet made their IPO or issue debt instruments. Increasingly, capital market oriented individuals are members of DIRK.


IR Club - The Investor Relations Community

IR Club represents the merging of Investor Relations and Social Media: The online community for IR specialists.

One of the main objectives of the IR club is to promote networking, communication, exchange, knowledge transfer among investor relations professionals. The IR Club is one of the largest IR associations in Europe. 


NIRI - National Investor Relations Institute

Founded in 1969, NIRI is the professional association of corporate officers and investor relations consultants responsible for communication among corporate management, shareholders, securities analysts and other financial community constituents.

The largest professional investor relations association in the world, NIRI’s more than 3,300 members represent over 1,600 publicly held companies and $9 trillion in stock market capitalization.
