Investor Relations


External Financial Portals

Following we have assorted aselection of financial portals where you can find manifold information about the Deutsche EuroShop share and equity markets in general. Please pay attention to our disclaimer on this.

Each link of a financial portal you select makes you leave the Deutsche EuroShop website and will link you directly to the information which the portal provides about Deutsche EuroShop:


You will find research reports, opinions and forecasts regarding the share of Deutsche EuroShop AG on external websites, which you can reach, amongst others, via links on the website of Deutsche EuroShop AG. All information and statements that can be found on these portals are based on analyses, reports, recommendations or ratings of third parties, particularly  banks and/or analysts. They do not reflect the opinion and analysis of Deutsche EuroShop AG. Deutsche EuroShop AG has not assumed an obligation to control the selection of analysis and further information the external websites may contain and therefore assumes no guarantee in this respect.

References to such recommendations and ratings are provided by Deutsche EuroShop AG as a convenience and only for non-binding informational purposes. Such references  do not imply that Deutsche EuroShop AG adopts, endorses or confirms in any way the recommendations, opinions or conclusions of the analysts or seeks to encourage users to make particular investments. Deutsche EuroShop AG has no influence on the origin, creation, correctness, completeness or timeliness of the information on the external websites and therefore does not guarantee the correctness, completeness and timeliness of the information or the estimates reflected on these external websites. Furthermore, none of the information on these websites and portals is intended as an offer or encouragement to buy Deutsche EuroShop shares or other securities.
