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Deutsche EuroShop | Conference Call | Preliminary Results 2023

Webcast of the telephone conference including the slide presentation Presenter: Hans-Peter Kneip, CFO 20.03.2024, 10.00 a.m., CET

Deutsche EuroShop AG Hauptversammlung 2023

Hauptversammlungsrede von Vorstand Hans-Peter Kneip am 29. August 2023 in der Hamburger Handwerkskammer Weitere Informationen unter


DES Analysts Mountains

We've designed a new chart which shows the quarterly development of our analysts' recommendations over the last 7 years (since Q2 2004). Additionally it shows our way to become one of the best covered real estate companies in Europe (according to EPRA, 3/11), starting with only a few analysts.


Updated shareholder structure

Dexia S.A. (Belgium) has informed us that its voting rights on Deutsche EuroShop have exceeded the 3% threshold and amount to 3.02% (1,559,004 shares; total number of DES' shares: 51,631,400).

We want to take this occasion to update our shareholder structure.

Deutsche EuroShop now has around 10,000 shareholders (as at: 27 July 2011). The structural distribution is very stable: institutional investors hold around 56% of the shares, and private investors around 29%. The Otto family’s stake is 15%. The investment company BlackRock currently holds 3.3% of the shares, Dexia - as already mentioned - holds 3.02%.

shareholder structure


How we adjusted the average number of shares for 2009 & 2010

On 24 February 2011 we published our preliminary results for 2010.

To take into account the capital increases that took place during the year and also a capital increase maybe carried out after the balance sheet date and prior to publication, in accordance with IAS 33 a time-weighting factor and a retrospective adjustment of the number of shares must be applied when determining the basic earnings per share.
