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Deutsche EuroShop | Conference Call | Preliminary Results 2023

Webcast of the telephone conference including the slide presentation Presenter: Hans-Peter Kneip, CFO 20.03.2024, 10.00 a.m., CET

Deutsche EuroShop AG Hauptversammlung 2023

Hauptversammlungsrede von Vorstand Hans-Peter Kneip am 29. August 2023 in der Hamburger Handwerkskammer Weitere Informationen unter

Blog: IR Mall

FY2014 Preliminary Results Webcast / NNNAV

Executive Board Spokesman Claus-Matthias Böge presented Deutsche EuroShop's preliminary figures for the 2014 financial year in Hamburg today. The webcast of the telephone conference including the slide presentation is available now:


Orderbook Turnover 2014 and Index Weighting

We want to share with you some information about the trading of Deutsche EuroShop's shares and its weighting in different important indices.


Order book turnover (€) in the last 12 months


Introducing video-webcasts of our earnings calls

With today's 9M 2014 Interim Report Conference Call Slide Presentation we introduce a new format for our investors: the video-webcast of the earnings call including the slides which were presented.


Comparable numbers for 9M 2014 results

To make your forecasts it may help to have the comparable numbers of 9M 2014. The Excel sheet offers a full usability. You can start with your projections right here!


MTZ eines der besten deutschen Shoppingcenter

Mit einer besonderen Auszeichnung wurde das Main-Taunus-Zentrum (MTZ) auf der Immobilienmesse EXPO REAL geehrt worden: Das Einkaufszentrum in Sulzbach, das in diesem Jahr seinen 50. Geburtstag feiert, belegt im Shoppingcenter Performance Report (SCPR) 2014 den 2. Platz.

