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Deutsche EuroShop AG Hauptversammlung 2024

Hauptversammlungsrede von Vorstand Hans-Peter Kneip am 29. August 2024 in der Hamburger Handwerkskammer Weitere Informationen unter


Additional information to the Q1 2011 results

Patrick Kiss Patrick Kiss

We published our Q1 2011 results this morning. Surprisingly we get the most questions about the time of our conference call - but there won't be any!

Other questions & answers:

  • What is the latest NAV?
    The last valuation was done end of 2010 and the NAV per share was €26.16. If you applies the same calculation method with the numbers from the balance sheet you'll end up with €26.64 per share.

    Total equity

    €1,270,543 thousand

    + Deferred tax liabilities

    €  105,124 thousand


    €1,375,667 thousand

    / number of shares


    NAV per share


  • What was the like-for-like turnover development of DES' tenants?
    Germany -3.2%, incl. Austria, Hungary and Poland: -2.9%
    comparison: German retail overall: -1.6%
    DES' like-for-like revenue: +1.3%

  • Is the gearing really 107%?
    We apologise for this mistake. In fact the gearing is unchanged compared to 31 Dec. 2010 and amounts to 94%.