Investor Relations

News & Publications


This area contains all downloads of our company presentations, analyst conferences and telephone conferences. 

Deutsche EuroShop | Company Presentation | 

Company presentation

Online slideshow

Download (5.5 MB PDF file)  

Preliminary Results FY 2023

 Presentation (3.5 MB PDF file)

Live-Audio-Webcasting of the telephone conference
(20.03.2024, 10:00 a.m., CET)

Download telephone conference (8.5 MB MP3 file)

Many of our presentations are available at



* Please note:

To be able to view this audiovisual presentation, you will need Windows Media Player, which you can download here free of charge.

You will need "Adobe Acrobat Reader" to read PDF files. If this is not yet installed on your PC, you can download the latest version for free here.
