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center, which is being gradually refurbished until autumn 2012, the mix of sectors and tenants at the A10 Center is changing radi- cally. In addition to existing specialist shops such as Real, Karstadt Sports, Peek & Clop- penburg, C&A, H&M, Esprit, MediMax and Bauhaus, a variety of new retailers have now been added, The letting policy has placed particular emphasis on young and high-end fashion. The new tenants in the fashion sec- tor include Tommy Hilfiger, Jack Wolfskin, Jack & Jones, Kookai, Mexx, Marc O’Polo, s.Oliver, Street One, Cecil, G-Star Raw, Bench and Zero. Other specialist retailers such as Tamaris (shoes), Triumph (lingerie), Ross- mann (chemist), Fielmann (optician), myToys (toys), Depot (home accessories) and a Nord- see restaurant have also been added. Some of the existing A10 Center tenants have considerably expanded their space, such as the bookseller Thalia, the shoe chain Görtz, the Douglas perfumery, the jewellers Christ and the optician Apollo. In addition to retailers, the A10 also has ample leisure facilities such as a cinema, a bowling alley, a fitness cen- tre and, for children, “Bambooland”. The modern interior of the new part of the center is parti- cularly spectacular, with a large oval entrance hall and two smart “streets” depicting stylised images of sights in Berlin and Brandenburg. The contemporary mall design also features an innovative colour and lighting concept and comfortable relaxation zones. The catchment area of the A10 Center, which will have some 4,000 free parking spaces fol- lowing its completion, is home to more than 1.2 million people. It is very close to the new Berlin Brandenburg International Airport (BBI), which will begin operating on 3 June 2012. AA new addition in Wildau near Berlin: A ceremonial opening on 6 April 2011 officially inaugurated the new shopping promenade at the A10 Center on Berlin’s southern ring road, adding more than 60 extra shops, cafes and restaurants. The modernised A10 Center now has around 200 specialist shops and catering and service outlets in total, across some 66,000 m² of retail space. More than 1,000 people are now employed at the center – some 400 more than before. Around € 60 million was inves- ted in the construction and the modernisation of the existing center. The A10 Center, which opened in 1996, has been owned by Deutsche EuroShop since the start of 2010, since when it has been managed by the European market leader in shopping centers, ECE. It is one of the largest and best-known shopping centers in Berlin and Brandenburg. With the reconstruc- tion and modernisa- tion of the existing of the largest and best-knownof the largest and best-known shopping centers in Berlinshopping centers in Berlin and Brandenburg.and Brandenburg. €60millioninvested In addition to retailers,In addition to retailers, The modern interior of theThe modern interior of the new part of the center is parti-new part of the center is parti- 66thousand m2 of retail space Entrance to the A10 Center Elliptical-shaped entrance hall A10 CENTER A10 CENTER A10 CENTER Wildau / Berlin 50 DES Annual Report 2011 THE CENTERS portfolio news
