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DES GB2015 Englisch

The ancillary benefits included the provision of a car for business and private use. Contributions to a pension plan were included in the pension expenses. Ancillary benefits include the provision of a car for business and pri- vate use. Contributions to a pension scheme have been recognised under pension expense. No advances or loans were granted to members of the Executive Board. The Company has not entered into any commitments or contingent liabilities in favour of these persons. The outgoing CEO, Claus-Matthias Böge, is to receive a total of €1,712 thousand under the Long-Term Incentive 2010, which covered the period to 30 June 2015. This amount will from 2016 be paid at the start of each year in five equal instalments, finishing in 2020. The Company also paid a old-age pension contribution of €27 thousand for Mr Böge. In the event that Mr Wellner is not re-elected to the Executive Board when his employment contract ends on 30 June 2018, he will receive a monthly transitional sum of €40 thousand for a period of six months. This transitional sum shall not be payable if Mr Wellner does not stand for re-election to the Executive Board. REMUNERATION SYSTEM FOR THE SUPERVISORY BOARD The remuneration of the Supervisory Board is based on section 8 (4) of the Articles of Association of Deutsche EuroShop AG. In accordance with the Articles of Association, the remuneration amounts to €50,000 for the chairman, €37,500 for the deputy chairman and €25,000 for each of the other members of the Supervisory Board. Committee member- ship is not taken into account when determining the remuneration of the Supervisory Board. Moreover, the remuneration does not contain any performance-related elements. The remuneration is determined on the basis of the business model and size of the Company as well as the responsibility associated with the role. The Company’s business and financial position is also taken into consideration. If any member of the Supervisory Board should leave the Supervisory Board during the financial year, they shall receive their remuneration pro rata. In accordance with section 8 (5) of the Articles of Association, expenses are also reimbursed. REMUNERATION OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD IN 2015 The remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board totalled €312 thousand in the period under review, which breaks down as follows: in € thousand Total 2015 2014 Manfred Zaß 27.55 59.50 Dr Michael Gellen 0 20.66 Reiner Strecker 52.61 37.74 Thomas Armbrust 29.75 29.75 Beate Bell 29.75 15.98 Manuela Better 29.75 15.98 Karin Dohm 37.74 29.75 Dr Henning Kreke 29.75 29.75 Alexander Otto 29.75 29.75 Klaus Striebich 29.75 29.75 Dr Bernd Thiemann 0 13.77 Roland Werner 15.98 0 INCLUDING 19% VALUE ADDED TAX 312.37 312.37 No advances or loans were granted to the members of the Super- visory Board. Acquisition reporting Deutsche EuroShop shares are traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and other exchanges. As of 31 December 2015, 17.33% of shares were owned by Alexander Otto (2014: 9.73%). The share capital is €53,945,536, comprised of 53,945,536 no-par-value registered shares. The notional value of each share is €1.00. According to Article 5 of the Articles of Association, the Executive Board is authorised, with the Supervisory Board’s approval, to increase the share capital by up to a total of €26,972,768 through one or multiple issues of new no-par-value registered shares against cash or non- cash contributions before 19 June 2018 (“Authorised capital 2013”). MANAGEMENT REPORT 135 Manfred Zaß 27.5559.50 Dr Michael Gellen 020.66 Reiner Strecker 52.6137.74 Thomas Armbrust 29.7529.75 Beate Bell 29.7515.98 Manuela Better 29.7515.98 Karin Dohm 37.7429.75 Dr Henning Kreke 29.7529.75 Alexander Otto 29.7529.75 Klaus Striebich 29.7529.75 Dr Bernd Thiemann 013.77 Roland Werner 15.980 VALUE ADDED TAX 312.37312.37

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