Consolidated income statement in € thousand Note 01.01.– 31.12.2015 01.01.– 31.12.2014 Revenue 17. 202,854 200,785 Property operating costs 18. -9,407 -9,062 Property management costs 19. -9,976 -9,922 Net operating income (NOI) 183,471 181,801 Other operating income 20. 800 1,889 Other operating expenses 21. -7,975 -6,184 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) 176,296 177,506 Share of the profit or loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method 23. 68,355 35,129 Interest expense -55,980 -58,570 Profit/loss attributable to limited partners 24. -17,020 -16,117 Other financial income and expenditure 2,273 -610 Interest income 229 348 Income from investments 22. 1 1 Net finance costs -2,142 -39,819 Measurement gains/losses 25. 220,556 76,986 Earnings before tax (EBT) 394,710 214,673 Income taxes 26. -85,428 -37,247 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT 309,282 177,426 Earnings per share (€), basic 30. 5.73 3.29 Earnings per share (€), diluted 30. 5.46 3.15 144 Deutsche EuroShop AG Annual Report 2015 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Revenue 17. 202,854200,785 Net operating income (NOI) 183,471181,801 Other operating income 20. 8001,889 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) 176,296177,506 for using the equity method 23. 68,35535,129 Interest income 229348 Income from investments 22. 11 Measurement gains/losses 25. 220,55676,986 Earnings before tax (EBT) 394,710214,673 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT 309,282177,426 Earnings per share (€), basic 30. 5.733.29 Earnings per share (€), diluted 30. 5.463.15