in € millions 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 5 2013 5 2014 5 2015 5 Revenue 92.9 95.8 115.3 127.6 144.2 190 178.2 188.0 200.8 202.9 EBIT 86.3 78.5 98.1 110.7 124 165.7 151.6 165.8 177.5 176.3 Net finance costs -41.0 -39.6 -49.4 -55.9 -60.2 -79.1 -62.1 -34.1 -39.8 -2.1 Measurement gains/losses 68.8 39.0 38.3 -14.8 33.1 50.1 13.9 56.0 77.0 220.6 EBT 117.7 77.8 87.0 40.1 97.0 136.7 103.4 187.6 214.7 394.7 Consolidated profit 100.3 94.2 68.9 34.4 -7.8 99.0 122.5 171.0 177.4 309.3 FFO per share (€) 1.08 1.12 1.38 1.4 1.35 1.61 1.68 2.08 2.23 2.29 Earnings per share (€)1 2.92 2.74 1.96 0.88 -0.17 1.92 2.36 3.17 3.29 5.73 Equity2 897.9 974.0 977.8 1,044.4 1,441.5 1,473.1 1,606.1 1,642.4 1,751.2 2,061.0 Liabilities 898.3 1,002.3 1,029.1 1,067.8 1,522.1 1,752.0 1,741.5 1,752.5 1,741.0 1,790.6 Total assets 1,796.2 1,976.3 2,006.8 2,112.1 2,963.6 3,225.1 3,347.6 3,394.9 3,492.2 3851.6 Equity ratio (%)2 50.0 49.3 48.7 49.5 48.6 45.7 48.0 48.4 50.1 53.5 Gearing (%)2 100 103 105 102 106 119 108 107 99 87 Cash and cash equivalents 94.2 109.0 41.7 81.9 65.8 64.4 161.0 40.8 58.3 70.7 Net asset value3 877.4 925.1 942.8 1,006.9 1,361.1 1,427.3 1538.9 1,650.4 1,789.4 2,110.6 Net asset value per share (€)3 25.53 26.91 27.43 26.63 26.36 27.64 28.53 30.59 33.17 39.12 Dividend per share (€) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.354 1 undiluted 2 incl. non controlling interests 3 since 2010: EPRA 4 proposal 5 at-equity consolidation in € millions Q1.15 Q2.15 Q3.15 Q4.15 Revenue 50.6 50.0 50.3 52.0 EBIT 44.6 43.5 42.9 45.3 Net finance costs -12.9 -14.2 -12.5 37.4 Measurement gains/losses -0.5 -1.5 -0.8 223.4 EBT 31.3 30.2 29.5 303.7 Consolidated profit 25.3 24.3 23.9 235.7 EPS (€)1 0.47 0.45 0.44 4.37 QUARTERLY FIGURES 2015 MULIT-YEAR OVERVIEW overview 1 undiluted 183 SERVICE Revenue 92.995.8115.3127.6144.2190178.2188.0200.8202.9 EBIT 86.378.598.1110.7124165.7151.6165.8177.5176.3 Measurement gains/losses 68.839.038.3 -14.833.150.113.956.077.0220.6 EBT 117.777.887.040.197.0136.7103.4187.6214.7394.7 Consolidated profit 100.394.268.934.4 -7.899.0122.5171.0177.4309.3 FFO per share (€) 2.922.741.960.88 -0.171.922.363.173.295.73 897.9974.0977.81,044.41,441.51,473.11,606.11,642.41,751.22,061.0 Liabilities 898.31,002.31,029.11,067.81,522.11,752.01,741.51,752.51,741.01,790.6 Total assets 1,796.21,976.32,006.82,112.12,963.63,225.13,347.63,394.93,492.23851.6 50.049.348.749.548.645.748.048.450.153.5 1001031051021061191081079987 Cash and cash equivalents 94.2109.041.781.965.864.4161.040.858.370.7 877.4925.1942.81,006.91,361.11,427.31538.91,650.41,789.42,110.6 25.5326.9127.4326.6326.3627.6428.5330.5933.1739.12 Dividend per share (€) Revenue 50.650.050.352.0 EBIT 44.643.542.945.3 Net finance costs -12.9 -14.2 -12.537.4 Measurement gains/losses -0.5 -1.5 -0.8223.4 EBT 31.330.229.5303.7 Consolidated profit 25.324.323.9235.7 0.470.450.444.37