f the 22,000 people across 22 countries who were surveyed, 31% said shopping centers were their destination of choice be- cause of the gastronomic range available. Just 10% favoured res- taurants and cafés in city centers, with a further 7% opting to dine in retail parks. City center retail plays a major role in Germany In Germany, 24% of respond- ents said that they often seek out shopping centers purely for eat- ing and drinking. In this regard, Germany ranks middle in a glob- al comparison. City center retail, in particular, is apparently even more significant in Germany, with the consequence that the gastro- nomic offerings are broadly dis- tributed. By contrast, in places such as Dubai retail takes place primarily in mega malls, some of which are even attached to lei- sure and amusement parks and as such have a sufficient number of dining opportunities. o more than just temples to retail of all Germans often visit a shopping center, mainly because of the gastronomic range available. 24% According to the report “Food and Beverage in Shopping Centers” by the real estate advisory company CBRE, shopping centers are European consumers’ preferred venue for eating and drinking. By Ralf Bönnemann, Director of Shoppingcenter Leasing Germany, CBRE CENTER 62 Deutsche EuroShop AG Annual Report 2015