Immobilien- kommandit- gesellschaft FEZ Harburg, Hamburg EKZ Eins Errichtungs- und Betriebs Ges.m.b.H,& Co. OG, Vienna* Einkaufs- Center Arkaden Pécs KG, Hamburg 31.12.2015 31.12.2014 31.12.2015 31.12.2014 31.12.2015 31.12.2014 248,000 206,263 207,928 187,310 90,000 77,540 1,090 1,171 644 493 418 284 2,241 2,067 680 1,093 2,854 1,806 52,516 107,981 0 91,831 28,266 29,641 69,300 4,528 92,411 817 2,284 1,875 12,374 12,437 12,108 11,990 7,347 7,061 -5,810 -5,694 -5,130 -5,200 -1,654 -1,765 31,323 11,346 25,578 12,473 16,754 6,860 0 0 0 0 0 0 31,323 11,346 25,578 12,473 16,754 6,860 In addition, small property companies in which Deutsche EuroShop indirectly or directly has an interest are part of the Group. However, they are negligible for the assets, financial and earnings position of the Group. During the financial year, the equity-accounted associates posted the following equity method valuation and annual profit/loss: in € thousand 31.12.2015 31.12.2014 Equity method valuation 3,739 3,628 Annual profit/ total profit 69 -23 171 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 248,000206,263207,928187,31090,00077,540 1,0901,171644493418284 2,2412,0676801,0932,8541,806 52,516107,981091,83128,26629,641 69,3004,52892,4118172,2841,875 12,37412,43712,10811,9907,3477,061 31,32311,34625,57812,47316,7546,860 000000 31,32311,34625,57812,47316,7546,860 valuation 3,7393,628