Conferences and roadshows in 2012 Conferences and roadshows in 2012 IN 2012 DEUTSCHE EUROSHOP’S EXECUTIVE BOARD AND INVESTOR RELATIONS TEAM SOUGHT DIRECT CONTACT WITH INVESTORS AT A HOST OF ROADSHOWS AND CONFERENCES. We also attended conferences in Baden-Baden, Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Amsterdam, London and New York. All in all, we held 16 roadshows and took part in eight capital market conferences last year. During these events, we conducted nearly 300 one-to-one meetings. We also held numer- ous teleconferences. These are organised regu- larly for the publication of the annual and quar- terly figures, for example. In addition, we once again welcomed a large number of investors to our offices in Hamburg and also gave them an on-site introduction to our shopping centers as part of property tours during various events. For 2013 we have once more scheduled a whole host of investor relations activities, spread throughout the year. We aim to use these to continue to cultivate and strengthen our contact with existing and potential inves- tors. An overview of these plans can be found in our financial calendar on page 186, with an up-to-date version available on our website O ur aim here is to inform existing shareholders about the company’s current situation and to convince new shareholders of the opportunities presented by investment in our shares. In turn, these discussions with analysts as well as fund and portfolio managers allow us to gain an understanding of the needs and requirements of the capital market. Many of our discussion partners have known us for a number of years. Over time we have therefore developed an extremely close relationship, which means that points of criticism can be discussed openly and constructively. For many institutional investors, regular meetings with a company’s Executive Board are a prerequisite for investing in that company’s shares. In 2012 we held countless meetings at roadshows in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart, Amsterdam, Brussels, Edinburgh, Helsinki, Copenhagen, London, Paris, Stockholm, Vienna and Zurich. Capital market conferences These are conferences, generally organised by banks, at which both investors and companies are given the opportunity to hold as many meetings as possible in a day. This makes it possible to address questions in detail during one-to-one and group dis- cussions. Company presentations give the company an opportunity to present itself to a wider specialist audience. Roadshows A roadshow involves a team, usually consisting of an Executive Board member and an Investor Rela- tions manager of Deutsche EuroShop, travelling together with representatives of the organising bank (such as analysts and client advisors) to a financial centre to visit existing or interested, potential inves- tors in person and inform them about the Compa- ny’s current development and strategy. Investors have the opportunity to meet the management per- sonally and put questions to them. This allows up to 10 meetings to be held in one city on a single day. INVESTOR RELATIONS { 108 } DES ANNUAL REPORT 2012