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DES GB2012 E

Notes to the Consolidated financial statements – Assets 7. TRADE RECEIVABLES 31.12.2012 31.12.2011 Trade receivables 6,031 6,617 Allowances for doubtful accounts -1,293 -1,011 4,738 5,606 Receivables result primarily from rental invoices and services in relation to investments for which charges are passed on. These were predominantly paid at the time the consolidated financial statements were prepared. The amounts recognised at the reporting date are protected by means of guarantees, cash security deposits and letters of comfort. 8. OTHER CURRENT ASSETS 31.12.2012 31.12.2011 Prepayments of purchase prices 0 9,101 Value added tax receivables 43 3 Deductible withholding tax on dividends/solidarity surcharge 136 133 Interest rate swaps 207 207 Other current assets: 6,729 5,890 7,115 15,334 Other current assets primarily consist of other receivables from tenants and prepaid costs to protect locations. RECEIVABLES TOTAL UP TO 1 YEAR OVER 1 YEAR Trade receivables 4,738 4,738 0 (5,606) (5,606) (0) Other assets 7,431 7,115 316 (15,793) (15,334) (459) 12,169 11,853 316 Previous year’s figure in brackets (21,399) (20,940) (459) € thousand Total € thousand Total € thousand CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS { 160 } DES ANNUAL REPORT 2012
