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DES GB2012 E

Index A Accounting 116, 149, 153, Auditor’s report 182 Assets 124 et seq., 130 et seq., 140, 153, 155, 157 et seq. B Balance sheet 130 et seq., 140, 150, Benchmark 98 C Carrying amount 172 Cash flow 130, 144, 151, 169 et seq. Cash flow statement 144, 151, 169 Center management 53 et seq. Committees 15 Consolidated income statement 142, 150, 166 Corporate governance 16, 114 et seq., 120, 178 Currency translation 149 D Declaration of conformity 117, 178, Deferred taxes 156, 163, Dividend 6, 12, 98, 104, 128, 138, 170 Dividend proposal 128 E Employees 136, Equity 10, 129, 131, 137, 141, 145, 150, 161 Equity ratio 128, Executive Board 9, 114 et seq., 120 et seq., 124, 132, 178 F Fair value 148, 172 FFO 11, 128, 138 Financial instruments 154 et seq., 172 Financial position 124 et seq., 128 Financing 10, 129 et seq., 136, 170 G Gross domestic product (GDP) 24, 122 I Income from investments 167 Investments 78 et seq., 130, 156, 159, 161, 167 Investment properties 153, 158 Investor relations 98 et seq. K Key data U2 L Liabilities 129 et seq., 141, 156, 161 et seq., Liquidity 130, 174 M Macroeconomic conditions 122 Marketing 110 N Net asset value 132 Non-current assets 131, 159 Notes 146 P Portfolio 10, 48 et seq. Provisions 156, 164 R Real estate market 124 Receivables 155, 160 et seq. Remuneration 121 et seq., 178 Reserves 161 et seq. Results of operation 124 et seq. Retail mix 54, 74 Retail sector 123 Revenue 12, 125 et seq., 137 et seq., 153, 166 Right to redeem 155 Risks 133 et seq., 174 S Segment reporting 171 Share 98 et seq., 120, 124, 161 Shareholder structure 102 Shareholdings 106, 116, 180 Shopping centers 6, 10 et seq., 48 et sec., 73 et seq., 137 Strategy 104, 133 Sustainability 60 et seq. T Tenants 49 et seqq. U Unappropriated surplus 162 W Website 102, 108, 111, 117, 120 { 187 } DES ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SERVICE Index
