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DES GB2012 E

Domplatz: Hamburg is known as the green metropo- lis on the waterfront – and the Domplatz in the heart of the city centre shows why. Not only do parks and other green space cover some 40% of the city, but around a quar- ter of a million trees also line the streets. With all this greenery, even Hamburg's city centre offers attractive residential areas with short commutes to work. Brandstwiete/Kornhausbrücke: The flood protection line is located at this crossing. Because it sits right on the river Elbe, Hamburg has to protect itself against storm surges and is working on an adaptation strategy. Ham- burg is considered one of the world's leading centres of climate research thanks to its interdisciplinary network of researchers. In an effort to protect the climate, the city has set itself an ambitious goal: reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by 2020, and by 80% by 2050. Magdeburger Hafen: HafenCity was a contributing fac- tor to Hamburg winning the title of Green Capital: this revitalised port area now provides housing for some 12,000 people as well as 45,000 jobs. A gold HafenCity environ- mental label is awarded for particularly sustainable buildings. Curious visitors can stop by the Sustainability Pavilion for more information. Strandkai: The port is both a landmark and an economic driving force: numerous container and cruise ships dock here and the port provides jobs for more than 150,000 people. At the same time, the city is supporting conserva- tion measures aimed at protecting the natural environment along the Elbe. And as part of the International Building Exhibition, a climate-neutral district is currently being built on the other bank of the river. 5 5 1 6 6 2 7 7 3 8 8 4 Source:FreieundHansestadtHamburg,BehördefürStadtentwicklungundUmwelt { 69 } DES ANNUAL REPORT 2012
