Consolidated cash flow statement NOTE 01.01.– 31.12.2012 01.01.– 31.12.2011 BEFORE ADJUST- MENT 01.01.- 31.12.2011 ADJUST- MENT 01.01.– 31.12.2011 AFTER ADJUST- MENT Profit after tax 122,484 93,396 5,642 99,038 Expenses/income from the application of IFRS 3 27. -5,289 -7,888 -7,888 Profit/loss attributable to limited partners 26., 27. 33,946 27,596 27,596 Depreciation of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 1., 2. 40 36 36 Unrealised changes in fair value of investment property 27. -31,079 -54,302 -54,302 Profit/loss for the period of equity-accounted companies 25. 589 -270 -270 Other non-cash income/expenses 484 0 0 Expenses from investment activities to be allocated to the cash flow 27. 9,198 8,512 -8,337 175 Deferred taxes 28. -27,545 31,606 2,695 34,301 Operating cash flow 102,828 98,686 0 98,686 Changes in receivables 6., 7., 8., 30. -12 147,660 -147,611 49 Change in other financial investments -4,355 0 0 Changes in current provisions 16. 22,528 1,482 1,482 Changes in liabilities 14., 15., 17., 18., 30. 390 1,593 1,593 Cash flow from operating activities 121,379 249,421 -147,611 101,810 Payments to acquire property, plant and equipment/ investment properties 2., 3. -12,628 -77,201 -77,201 Expenses from investment activities to be allocated to the cash flow -9,198 -8,512 8,337 -175 Payments to acquire shareholdings in consolidated companies and business units -176,250 -266,323 148,375 -117,948 Inflows/outflows to/from the financial assets -184 -150 -150 Cash flow from investing activities -198,260 -352,186 156,712 -195,474 Inflows from financial liabilities 12. 191,742 183,993 183,993 Contributions of Group shareholders 11., 29. 66,198 0 0 Payments to Group shareholders 11., 29. -56,795 -56,795 -56,795 Payments to limited partners 29. -21,161 -25,319 -9,101 -34,420 Cash flow from financing activities 179,984 101,879 -9,101 92,778 Net change in cash and cash equivalents 103,103 -886 0 -886 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 64,408 65,784 65,784 Currency-related changes 0 -487 -487 Other changes 0 -3 -3 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 10. 167,511 64,408 0 64,408 € thousand CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS { 144 } DES ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Consolidated cash flow statement