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DES GB2012 E

CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2011 BEFORE ADJUSTMENT IAS 8 ADJUSTMENT 2011 NACH ADJUSTMENT Profit after tax 93.396 5.642 99.038 Expenses from investment activities to be allocated to the cash flow 8.512 -8.337 175 Deferred taxes 31.606 2.695 34.301 Operating cash flow 98.686 0 98.686 Changes in receivables 147.660 -147.611 49 Cash flow from operating activities 249.421 -147.611 101.810 Expenses from investment activities to be allocated to the cash flow -8.512 8.337 -175 Payments to acquire shareholdings in consolidated companies and business units -266.323 148.375 -117.948 Cash flow from investing activities -352.186 156.712 -195.474 Payments to limited partners -25.319 -9.101 -34.420 Cash flow from financing activities 101.879 -9.101 92.778 Net change in cash and cash equivalents -886 0 -886 Reporting principles The following standards and interpretations or amendments to these were applicable for the first time in financial year 2012: ¤ IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures – Transfers of Financial Assets (amendment) (since 1 July 2011) The amendments or new announcements had no or no material effects on the presentation of the net assets, financial position and results of operations of the Group. € thousand { 151 } DES ANNUAL REPORT 2012 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Reporting principles
