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DES GB2012 E

Dear Readers, We have dedicated this year’s Annual Report to our “home port” of Hamburg, where Deutsche EuroShop has had its headquarters since 2004. Our portfolio with its three shopping centers is also closely linked to the Han- seatic City and the surrounding area, and is the reason why the title of this report is simply “Hamburg³”. As well as providing a closer insight into the city of Ham- burg, we would like to introduce you to our shopping centers and the districts where the DES team members live and shop. We have also compiled selected facts and figures on the city, some of which we even found sur- prising. And last but not least, we would like to introduce you to three of our tenants whose roots are in Hamburg. Not forgetting, of course, our business results, which we have drawn up for you in the customary level of detail and are pleased to say reflect a very successful finan- cial year 2012. And, as usual, we have also ventured a look into the future and outlined our forecast for 2013 and 2014. Finally, I would like to invite you to visit our shopping centers in and around Hamburg, in Billstedt, Harburg and Norderstedt. Not to mention our 17 other shopping centers in Germany, Austria, Poland and Hungary, where you’ll always find a warm welcome. And if you happen to be in Hamburg-Poppenbüttel, do visit us in our new office premises! Best regards Claus-Matthias Böge CEO INTRODUCTION Editorial Editorial DES ANNUAL REPORT 2012 { 3 }
