Consolidated income statement NOTE 2012 2011 BEFORE ADJUST- MENT 2011 ADJUST- MENT 2011 AFTER ADJUST- MENT Revenue 19. 211,231 189,975 0 189,975 Property operating costs 20. -11,256 -8,519 0 -8,519 Property management costs 21. -10,547 -9,814 0 -9,814 Net operating income (NOI) 189,428 171,642 0 171,642 Other operating income 22. 2,905 1,010 0 1,010 Other operating expenses 23. -11,316 -6,991 -6,991 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) 181,017 165,661 0 165,661 Income from investments 24. 1,400 1,261 0 1,261 Interest income 540 862 0 862 Interest expense -72,064 -65,761 0 -65,761 Income from equity-accounted associates 25. -589 270 0 270 Profit/loss attributable to limited partners 26. -15,271 -15,730 0 -15,730 Net finance costs -85,984 -79,098 0 -79,098 Measurement gain/loss 27. 8,495 41,811 8,337 50,148 of which excess of identified net assets acquired over cost of acquisition in accordance with IFRS 3: €4,410 thousand (previous year: €7,888 thousand) Earnings before tax (EBT) 103,528 128,374 8,337 136,711 Income tax expense 28. 18,956 -34,978 -2,695 -37,673 Consolidated profit 122,484 93,396 5,642 99,038 Earnings per share (€), basic 32. 2.36 1.81 0.11 1.92 Earnings per share (€), diluted 32. 2.35 1.81 0.11 1.92 € thousand CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS { 142 } DES ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Consolidated income statement