Fees for service contracts with the ECE Group totalled €19,566 thousand (previous year: €23,454 thousand). This amount was partially offset by income from lease agreements with the ECE Group in the amount of €6,835 thousand (previous year: €5,983 thousand). Receivables from ECE were €4,305 thousand, while liabilities were €1,255 thousand. Transactions with related parties involving the provision of goods and services were at standard market rates. Hamburg, 12 April 2013 Deutsche EuroShop AG The Executive Board Claus-Matthias Böge Olaf Borkers Other disclosures In line with section 160 (1) no. 8 AktG, we give notice that the following investments and changes to voting rights have been registered to our Company in conformity with the duty of disclosure in accordance with section 21 of the Wertpapierhandelsgesetz (WpHG – German Securities Trading Act): SHAREHOLDER SHARE- HOLDING REPORT AS AT EVENT (SHARE THRESHOLD IN %) NEW VOTING RIGHTS SHARE IN% OF WHICH OWN HOLDINGS IN% OF WHICH INDIRECTLY ATTRIBUT- ABLE IN% Benjamin Otto, Hamburg 02.04.2002 Exceeds threshold (5) 7.74 0.00 7.74 „Bravo-Alpha“ Beteiligungs G.m.b.H., Hamburg 02.04.2002 Exceeds threshold (5) 7.74 3.71 4.03 Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stifung, Frankurt 15.08.2011 Exceeds threshold (3) 3.02 3.02 0.00 BlackRock Inc., New York, U.S.A. 23.01.2012 Falls below threshold (3) 2.97 0.00 2.97 BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A. 23.01.2012 Falls below threshold (3) 2.97 0.00 2.97 BlackRock Financial Management, Inc., New York, U.S.A. 23.01.2012 Falls below threshold (3) 2.97 0.00 2.97 BlackRock Inc., New York, U.S.A. 22.03.2012 Exceeds threshold (3) 3.02 0.00 3.02 BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A. 22.03.2012 Exceeds threshold (3) 3.02 0.00 3.02 BlackRock Financial Management, Inc., New York, U.S.A. 22.03.2012 Exceeds threshold (3) 3.02 0.00 3.02 Alexander Otto, Hamburg 14.11.2012 Falls below threshold (10) 9.57 0.65 8.92 The total fees for the consolidated financial statements for the 2012 financial year amounted to €344 thousand (previous year: €321 thousand). The Group auditor performed no other services. { 179 } DES ANNUAL REPORT 2012 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Other disclosures