Note Number of shares out- standing Share capital Capital reserves Other retained earnings Statutory reserve Total 01.01.2011 51,631,400 51,631 890,615 219,491 2,000 1,163,737 Adjustment in acc. with IAS 8 -5,642 -5,642 Adjusted on 1 January 2011 51,631,400 51,631 890,615 213,849 2,000 1,158,095 Earnings recognised directly in equity 0 0 -7,164 0 -7,164 Consolidated profit (including adjustment acc. to IAS 8.41f.) 99,038 99,038 Total profit 91,874 91,874 Change in deferred taxes -133 -133 Dividend payments 11. -56,795 -56,795 Other changes 0 Capital increase 0 0 31.12.2011 51,631,400 51,631 890,482 248,928 2.000 1,193,041 01.01.12 51,631,400 51,631 890,482 248,928 2,000 1,193,041 Earnings recognised directly in equity 0 0 -10,646 0 -10,646 Consolidated profit 122,484 122,484 Total profit 0 111,838 111,838 Dividend payments 11. -56,795 -56,795 Bond conversion right 12. 7,140 7,140 Capital increase 11. 2,314,136 2,314 64,365 66,679 Other changes 11 11 31.12.2012 53,945,536 53,945 961,987 303,982 2,000 1,321,914 € thousand { 145 } DES annual report 2012 Consolidated financial statements Statement of changes in equity Statement of changes in equity