4. NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS 2012 2011 Costs as at 1 January 15,381 15,381 as at 31 December 15,381 15,381 Amortisation/impairment losses and reversals as at 1 January 12,434 8,504 Reversals of impairment losses 2,478 3,930 as at 31 December 14,912 12,434 Carrying amount at 1 January 27,815 23,885 Carrying amount at 31 December 30,293 27,815 During the reporting year, a reversal of impairment losses, recognised directly in equity, on the stake in Ilwro Joint Venture Sp. z o.o., Warsaw, was made in the amount of €2,478 thousand, taking the carrying amount of the partici- pation to €30,293 thousand on the reporting date. 5. INVESTMENTS IN EQUITY-ACCOUNTED ASSOCIATES 2012 2011 Carrying amount at 1 January 4,514 4,094 Deposits/withdrawals 184 150 Share of profit/loss -590 177 Value increases 1 93 Carrying amount at 31 December 4,109 4,514 The changes in the fair value of equity-accounted associates are due to deposits made and shares in the profits/losses of smaller property companies that are not of material significance from a Group perspective. 6. OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS 31.12.2012 31.12.2011 Other non-current assets 316 459 316 459 This item consists mainly of the present value of a non-current receivable of €282 thousand (previous year: €422 thousand) for our Polish property company. The company will have annual cash inflows of €207 thousand until 2016. € thousand € thousand € thousand Total { 159 } DES ANNUAL REPORT 2012 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Notes to the Consolidated financial statements – Assets