The high-society lady The lady of easy virtue The fish seller The St. Pauli fan Facts about four original Hamburg institutions would love to be the quintessen- tial English lady and is an exclu- sive member of numerous clubs has a very flexible neck: she is able to kiss left and right without her obligatory hat getting in the way stresses understatement, but always looks in Monday's Abendblatt to see if she was photographed at the cocktail reception always comes back with a cheeky retort is the only person who still pronounces “Sprotte” (sprat) and “Filet-Stück” (piece of fillet) correctly has a virtually superhuman capacity for suffering has a voice that carries further than a foghorn tends to vote red- green despite wearing a brown football strip can't be passed without having a girlfriend for protection in town himself finds it hard to believe how many strips of smoked dogfish and trout fillet can be stuffed into a bag for €15 wears a mini skirt with moonboots wears an overall, wellingtons and an apron is naturally always to be seen carrying a “gentlemen's handbag” – a six-pack of Astra is a chain-smoker her husband is one of the city's 859 millionaires lays his head down each night on a skull and crossbones pillow { 37 } DES ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SHOPPING Hamburg facts