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DES GB2013 E

Marketing “An investment with stability” In 2013 we placed advertisements in the trade press designed for highly specific tar- get groups that were perfectly timed to coin- cide with the publication of our current finan- cial figures and referred to our motto for the year, “Hamburg3 ”. At the same time, we made a play on the “safe haven” aspect, which is how many describe our share. Ein guter Gründ: Ein Investment mit Stabilität Weitere gute Gründe für die Aktie der Deutsche EuroShop unter New blow-up at Main-Taunus-Zentrum After two years in which our giant poster “Main Taunus, Mein Zentrum, Meine Aktie”, brought a smile to the lips of thousands of drivers every day, hurricanes “Christian” and “Xaver” forced us to replace the blow-up. We took the opportunity to change the motif as well. Now, the 14x9  m blow-up not only refers to the MTZ (as the Main-Taunus-Zentrum is often called), but also creates a link with Deutsche EuroShop, via whose shares investors can obtain an indirect stake in the Main-Taunus-Zentrum. A C DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPGESCHÄFTSBERICHT2013/INVESTORRELATIONS 108

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