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DES GB2013 E

DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013/CONSOLIDATEDFINANCIALSTATEMENTS 187 RELATED PARTIES FOR THE PURPOSES OF IAS 24 Deutsche EuroShop AG’s subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates as well as the members of its Executive Board and Supervisory Board are regarded as related parties for the purposes of IAS 24. The remuneration of the Super- visory Board and the Executive Board is described in the “Supervisory Board and Executive Board” section and also in the remuneration report part of the group management report. Fees for service contracts with the ECE Group totalled €15,561 thousand (previous year: €16,719 thousand). This amount was partially offset by income from lease agreements with the ECE Group in the amount of €5,655 thousand (previous year: €5,797 thousand). Receivables from ECE were €3,982 thousand, while liabilities were €1,457 thousand. Transactions with related parties involving the provision of goods and services were at standard market rates. Hamburg, 15 April 2014 Deutsche EuroShop AG The Executive Board Claus-Matthias Böge Olaf Borkers

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