Conferences and roadshows in 2013 In order to discuss Deutsche EuroShop’s strategy with its present investors and to present the Com- pany to potential new investors, the Executive Board and the Investor Relations team again participated in various conferences and held numerous roadshows last year. Direct contact with our investors is very important to us: by engaging in frank discussions with analysts as well as fund and portfolio managers, we seek to understand the requirements of the capital market and to learn which issues are seen as most important. Con- versely, investment by fund management companies is often depend- ent on their being able to meet, on a regular basis, the Executive Board members of companies in which they invest. In 2013, we participated in nine roadshows in Frankfurt, Munich, Amsterdam, Geneva, London, Milan, Paris and Zurich. We also attended 13 conferences in Baden-Baden, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Amster- dam, London, Lyons and New York. During all these events we had around 250 one-to-one discussions. We also held teleconferences, which organised regularly, for example, for the publication of the annual and quarterly figures. Many investors also visited us at the new Deutsche EuroShop head offices in Hamburg-Poppenbüttel, often also visiting our properties in and around Hamburg. We also, as part of a property tour, gave inves- tors an on-site introduction to our center in Wuppertal. We are once again planning a diverse range of investor relations activities for 2014, in order to cultivate contacts with our existing in- vestors and tap new investor groups. You can find an overview in our financial calendar on page 194. A constantly updated version can also be found on our website, at A roadshow involves a team, usually consisting of an Executive Board member and an Investor Relations manager of Deutsche EuroShop, travelling together with representatives of the organising bank (such as analysts and client advisors) to a financial centre to visit existing or interested, potential investors in person and inform them about the Company’s current development and strategy. Investors have the opportu- nity to meet the management personally and put questions to them. This allows up to 10 meetings to be held in one city on a single day. These are conferences, generally organised by banks, at which both investors and companies are given the op- portunity to hold as many meetings as possible in a day. This makes it possible to address questions in detail during one-to-one and group discussions. Company presentations enable the Company to present itself to a wider specialist audience. CAPITAL MARKET CONFERENCES ROADSHOWS I DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPGESCHÄFTSBERICHT2013/INVESTORRELATIONS 110