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DES GB2013 E

DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013/CONSOLIDATEDFINANCIALSTATEMENTS 140 Note 2013 2012 after adjustment Revenue 19. 187,987 178,161 Property operating costs 20. -8,452 -9,983 Property management costs 21. -9,323 -8,502 Net operating income (NOI) 170,212 159,676 Other operating income 22. 2,837 2,733 Other operating expenses 23. -7,285 -10,830 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) 165,764 151,579 Income from investments 24. 16,688 1,400 Interest income 448 500 Interest expense -57,827 -63,066 Other financial expenses -4,550 0 Income from the disposal of financial assets 23 0 Share of the profit or loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method 25. 27,024 14,346 Profit/loss attributable to limited partners 26. -15,939 -15,271 Net finance costs -34,133 -62,091 Measurement gains/losses 27. 55,982 13,934 of which excess of identified net assets acquired over cost of acquisition in accordance with IFRS 3 €0 thousand (previous year: €4,410 thousand) Earnings before taxes (EBT) 187,613 103,422 Income tax expense 28. -16,570 19,062 Consolidated profit 171,043 122,484 Earnings per share (€), basic 32. 3.17 2.36 Earnings per share (€), diluted 32. 3.05 2.35 € THOUSAND Consolidated income statement

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