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This Kama Sutra of shopping is essentially a relationship manual. It sheds an intimate light on the relationship between shopper and mer- chandise. There are resolutions to anything that could stand in the way of a happy union between the two. The book contains ten golden rules for successful shopping, tips on getting the necessary cash and decision-making aids for wavering shoppers. GUIDO MARIA KRETSCHMER Attraction Style has nothing to do with size PRIZE DRAW: For your chance to win a copy of “Das Shopping-Kamasutra” (available in German only), just send an e-mail with the subject line “Buchverlosung” to by 15 July 2014. The win- ner will be notified in writing and no appeals will be entertained. COSIMA REIF The Kama Sutra of shopping A guide to maximising the pleasure of purchases 80 pages, bound, with extensive four-colour illustrations ISBN: 978-3-99300-159-9 Store price: €16.90 237 pages, bound, 50 images ISBN: 978-3-84190-239-9 Store price: €17.95 Books on the subject of shopping This is a long-overdue work, given that over our lifetimes, each of us will reach into a wallet or purse some 500,000 times to make a purchase. Often we do this not of our own volition, but be- cause we have been manipulated into it. That is why the heady rush that comes with shop- ping can often turn into a hangover, replete with the accompanying headache. The Kama Sutra of shopping offers emancipation from mindless consumption and the pressure to buy and in- stead celebrates taboo-free shopping with the aim of maximising the pleasure derived from the act. Fun, colourfully illustrated and some- what tongue-in-cheek at times. On completing the book readers will be able to congratulate themselves on a purchase well made! orders from women who were well-heeled but had exactly the same problem areas as the rest of us. “Style has nothing to do with standard sizes,” says Kretschmer whose book “Anziehungs- kraft” (or “Attraction” in English) describes ten typical shapes. Each has its little weaknesses but also its assets, and the trick is maximise these. This book advises on how to achieve this and also includes tales, in the best Kretschmer tradition, of his experiences with “elf”, “meer- kat” and “Valkyrie” types. Fashion designer Guido Maria Kretschmer has dressed countless stars and models with dream figures. But that has not always been the case. Right from the early days of his own fashion label, Kretschmer would take private DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013/SHOPPING 041

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