DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013/CONSOLIDATEDFINANCIALSTATEMENTS 153 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT 01.01.–31.12.2013 before adjustment 01.01.–31.12.2013 adjustment 01.01.–31.12.2013 after adjustment Revenue 224,027 -36,040 187,987 Property operating costs -10,081 1,629 -8,452 Property management costs -11,191 1,868 -9,323 Net operating income (NOI) 202,755 -32,543 170,212 Other operating income 2,899 -62 2,837 Other operating expenses -7,572 287 -7,285 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) 198,082 -32,318 165,764 Income from investments 16,688 0 16,688 Interest income 467 -19 448 Interest expense -65,866 8,039 -57,827 Derivative expense -4,550 0 -4,550 Income from the disposal of financial assets 23 0 23 Share of the profit or loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method 428 26,596 27,024 Profit/loss attributable to limited partners -15,939 -15,939 Net finance costs -68,749 34,616 -34,133 Measurement gains/losses of which excess of identified net assets acquired over cost of acquisition in accordance with IFRS 3 €0 thousand (previous year: €4,410 thousand) 58,355 -2,373 55,982 Earnings before tax (EBT) 187,688 -75 187,613 Income tax expense -16,645 75 -16,570 Consolidated profit 171,043 0 171,043 01.01.–31.12.2013 before adjustment 01.01.–31.12.2013 adjustment 01.01.–31.12.2013 after adjustment Changes in cash flow hedge 18,736 -7,519 11,217 Changes in investments accounted for using the equity mehtod 0 7,519 7,519 REPORTING PRINCIPLES The following standards and interpretations or amendments to these were applicable for the first time in financial year 2013: 1. Presentation of items of Other comprehensive income (amendment to IAS 1) 2. Employee Benefits (amendments to IAS 19) 3. IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement 4. Deferred Tax: Realisation of underlying assets (amendment to IAS 12) 5. Hyperinflation and removal of fixed dates of application for first-time adopters (amendment to IFRS 1) 6. Explanatory notes – Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities (amendment to IFRS 7) 7. Public-sector loans (amendment to IFRS 1) 8. Annual improvements to IFRS 2009-2011 9. IFRIC 20 Accounting for stripping costs in mining € THOUSAND € THOUSAND