Our values We are the only public company in Germany that invests solely in shopping centers in prime locations. We invest only in carefully chosen properties. High quality standards and a high degree of flexibility are just as impor- tant to us as sustained earnings growth from index- and turnover-linked rental contracts. In addition, we boast a higher than average occu- pancy rate of around 99% and professional center management – these are the pillars of our success. Our goals Deutsche EuroShop does not seek short-term success, but rather the stable increase in the value of our portfolio. Our objective is to gen- erate a sustainably high surplus liquidity from the longterm leasing of our shopping centers to distribute an attractive dividend to our shareholders every year. In order to achieve this, we shall acquire further prime properties and hence establish ourselves as one of the largest companies in Europe focusing on retail properties. Our values our goals DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013 006