DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013/CONSOLIDATEDFINANCIALSTATEMENTS 176 CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Moreover, loan reductions resulted in a cash outflow in the amount of €59.7 million. Payments to third-party shareholders include the distributions paid of €12.3 million. In financial year 2013, a dividend of €64.7 million was paid to the shareholders. SEGMENT REPORTING As a holding company, Deutsche EuroShop AG holds equity interests in shopping centers in the European Union. The investees are pure real-estate shelf companies without staff of their own. Operational management is contracted out to external service providers under agency agreements, so that the companies’ activities are exclusively restricted to asset management. The companies are operated individually. Due to the Company’s uniform business activities within a relatively homogeneous region (the European Union), and in accordance with IFRS 8.12, separate segment reporting is presented in the form of a breakdown by domestic and international results. As the Group’s main decision-making body, the Deutsche EuroShop AG Executive Board largely assesses the perfor- mance of the segments based on the EBT of the individual property companies. The valuation principles for the seg- ment reporting correspond to those of the Group. Intra-Group activities between the segments are eliminated in the reconciliation statement. In view of the geographical segmentation, no further information pursuant to IFRS 8.33 is given. BREAKDOWN BY GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENT Domestic International Reconciliation Total Revenue 173,282 14,705 0 187,987 (previous year’s figures) (163,803) (14,358) (0) (178,161) Domestic International Reconciliation Total EBIT 156,577 13,435 -4,248 165,764 (previous year’s figures) (142,057) (13,507) -(3,985) (151,579) Domestic International Reconciliation Total Net interest income -49,587 -3,834 -3,958 -57,379 (previous year’s figures) -(56,926) -(3,881) -(1,759) -(62,566) € THOUSAND € THOUSAND € THOUSAND