DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013/CONSOLIDATEDFINANCIALSTATEMENTS 177 Domestic International Reconciliation Total Earnings before taxes (EBT) 155,064 7,142 25,407 187,613 (previous year’s figures) (90,025) (7,405) (5,992) (103,422) Profits and losses for equity-accounted companies in the amount of €27,024 thousand are primarily disclosed in the reconciliation statement, of which €19,529 thousand are domestic profit and losses and €7,495 thousand international profit and losses. Domestic International Total Segment assets 3,172,348 222,515 3,394,863 (previous year’s figures) (3,128,778) (218,782) (3,347,560) of which investment properties 2,746,320 215,843 2,962,163 (previous year’s figures) (2,610,110) (214,023) (2,824,133) € THOUSAND € THOUSAND