www.rhein-neckar-zentrum-viernheim.de Investments: 100% Leasable space: about 64,300m² Of which retail space: 60,000m²* Parking: 3,800 No. of shops: 110 No. of Occupancy rate: 99% Catchment area: 1.2 million residents Purchased by DES: September 2000 Grand opening: 1972 Restructuring/Expansion: 2002 Anchor tenants: Engelhorn Active Town, Humanic, Peek&Cloppenburg, H&M, TK Maxx, Zara * plus Karstadt and C&A 7.05Visitors 2013 (million) Robert-Schumann-Str. 8a 68519 Viernheim Rhein-Neckar-Zentrum Viernheim / Mannheim O O DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013/THECENTERS 079