DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013/CONSOLIDATEDFINANCIALSTATEMENTS 183 32. EARNINGS PER SHARE 2013 2012 Group shareholders’ portion of profits/losses (€ thousand) 171,043 122,484 Weighted number of no-par value shares issued 53,945,536 51,934,893 Basic earnings per share (€) 3.17 2.36 Group shareholders’ portion of profits/losses (€ thousand) 171,043 122,484 Adjustment of interest expense for the convertible bond (€ thousand) 2,277 327 Profits/losses used to calculate the diluted earnings per share (€ thousand) 173,320 122,811 Weighted number of no-par value shares issued 53,945,536 51,934,893 Weighted adjustment of potentially convertible no-par value shares 2,909,710 326,935 Average weighted number of shares used to determine the diluted earnings per share 56,855,246 52,261,828 Diluted earnings per share (€) 3.05 2.35 BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE: Basic earnings per share are determined by dividing the net income for the period to which shareholders of Deutsche EuroShop AG are entitled by the weighted average number of shares outstanding within the reporting period. DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE: The diluted earnings are calculated by taking the average number of shares outstanding and adding the number of warrants granted in connection with the convertible bond. 2.9 million warrants existed during the year under review. Due to the fact that the convertible bond was issued mid-year, the warrants issued in connection with the convertible bond were recognised on a pro rata basis in 2012. It is anticipated that the convertible bonds will be exchanged for shares in full. The profits/losses will be adjusted accordingly for interest expense and tax effects.