DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013/CONSOLIDATEDFINANCIALSTATEMENTS 158 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Under IAS 40, investment property must initially be measured at cost at the date of acquisition. Property that is under construction and that is intended to be used as investment property following its completion also falls under the scope of IAS 40. Property held as a financial investment can either be recognised at amortised cost (cost model) or using the fair-value model. Subsequently, all properties must be measured at their fair value and the annual net changes recognised in income under measurement gains/losses (recurring fair value assessment). Investment property is property held for the long term to earn rental income or capital gains. Under IAS 40, investment property measured using the fair value model is no longer depreciated. As in previous years, the fair values of the properties in the period under review were determined by the Feri Euro- Rating Services AG and GfK GeoMarketing GmbH appraisal team using the discounted cash flow (DCF) method. In accordance with the DCF method, future cash flows from the property in question are discounted back to the meas- urement date. In addition, the net income from the property is determined over a detailed planning period of ten years. A resale value is forecast for the end of the ten-year detailed planning phase. The net income is then capitalised over the remaining life. In a second step, the resale value is discounted back to the measurement date. Averaged across all properties, 10.9% (2012: 11.0%) of rental income is deducted for management and administrative costs, with the result that net income equates to 89.1% (2012: 89.0%) of rental income. Actual management and admin- istrative costs amounted to 9.5% of rental income in the year under review (2012: 10.3%). The capitalisation rate applied comprises a forecast yield on a ten-year German federal government bond and a pre- mium that takes account of the individual risk profile of the property. Around 150 individual indicators are used to deter- mine the risk profile. These include a forecast of population trends over the long term, the rate of employment and the resulting effects on retail demand, trends in the competitive environment and construction activity. The discount rate averaged 6.65%, compared with 6.67% in the previous year. It is composed of an average yield of 4.24% on a ten-year German federal government bonds (2012: 4.30%) and an average risk premium of 2.41% (2012: 2.37%). 2,37 %). On the basis of the expert appraisals, the property portfolio has a net initial yield of 5.97% for financial year 2014, compared with 5.98% in the previous year. There is no differentiation between the domestic and international operations, as the differences are not material. Borrowing and initial rental costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qual- ifying asset are included in the cost of that asset until the time at which the asset is largely ready for its intended use. Income realised from the temporary investment of specifically borrowed funds up to the point when these are used to obtain qualifying assets is deducted from the capitalisable costs of these assets. All other borrowing costs are recognised in income in the period in which they occur. Maintenance measures relating to property, plant and equipment are recognised as an expense in the financial year in which they occur.