DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013/CONSOLIDATEDFINANCIALSTATEMENTS 182 31. INVESTMENTS ACCOUNTED FOR USING THE EQUITY METHOD Joint ventures in which Deutsche EuroShop AG together with third parties has a majority of the voting rights have pre- viously been proportionately included as joint ventures in the consolidated financial statements. The following com- panies are affected by the retroactive switch to equity accounting: • Altmarkt-Galerie Dresden KG, Hamburg (until 30 April 2013) • Allee-Center Magdeburg KG, Hamburg • CAK City Arkaden Klagenfurt KG, Hamburg • EKZ Eins Errichtungs- und Betriebs Ges.m.b.H.&Co OG, Vienna • Einkaufs-Center Pécs KG, Hamburg Please also note the detailed explanations regarding “Changes in accounting and valuation methods”. Immobilienkommanditgesellschaft FEZ Harburg KG and Stadt-Galerie Passau KG have also since 1 January 2013 been accounted using the equity method after the voting trust agreement with a co-shareholder was revoked. During the financial year, the equity-accounted joint ventures posted the following asset and liability items, expenses and income: 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 Non-current assets 451,469 506,584 Current assets 5,282 12,565 Non-current liabilities 115,502 195,353 Current liabilities 2,970 5,942 Income 40,024 35,529 Expenses -13,407 -20,588 In addition, small property companies in which Deutsche EuroShop indirectly or directly has an interest are part of the Group. Deutsche EuroShop exercises a controlling influence over these companies together with other shareholders. However, they are negligible for the assets, financial and earnings position of the Group. During the financial year, the equity-accounted associates posted the following asset and liability items, expenses and income: 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 Non-current assets 8,603 8,551 Current assets 1,490 1,577 Non-current liabilities 0 5,940 Current liabilities 6,025 93 Income 774 826 Expenses -345 -1,416 € THOUSAND € THOUSAND