www.a10center.de Investments: 100% Leasable space: about 120,000m² Of which retail space: 67,800m² Parking: 4,000 No. of shops: 200 No. of Occupancy rate: 99% Catchment area: 1.2 million residents Purchased by DES: January 2010 Grand opening: 1996 Restructuring/ Modernisation: 2010–2011 Anchor tenants: Bauhaus, C&A, H&M, Karstadt Sports, Medimax, Peek&Cloppenburg, real 6.84Visitors 2013 (million) Chausseestr. 1 15745 Wildau A10 Center Wildau / Berlin O O DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013/THECENTERS 076