The digital shopping center Is the end nigh for bricks and mortar retail- ers? Won’t we soon all be shopping online rather than on foot? The market research company GfK expects to see intelligent coexistence of physical and online retail- ing. It would be fruitless and blinkered to try to hold back the march of internet shop- ping. Rather, the smart linking of physical and virtual contact interfaces, particularly in managed retail properties, is opening up new opportunities to support consum- ers any time, any place, and to offer them a seamless, attractive and innovative shop- ping experience across all channels. One thing is clear: people will con- tinue to enjoy visiting shops, but at the same time will also appreciate the benefits of making web purchases. Online shopping is especially practical for goods that are similar and inter- changeable. The way in which well-designed shop con- cepts have always led us to spend more money that we originally planned is staggering. The online channel is simply making the market narrower, like every structural change before. However, different sectors and retailers are not equally affected by the shift in business to the net. What is happening is that the gulf between strong and weak concepts is widening: O DEUTSCHEEUROSHOPANNUALREPORT2013/SHOPPING 029 P